Network for Evaluation of One Health

11th Call for Applications: Short Term Scientific Missions


Oct 17


11th Call for Applications for Short Term Scientific Missions
1 Oct to 31 December 2017

All STSM activities related to the 11th call must occur in their entirety within the dates specified above. 

The deadline for applications is 1st December 2017, but applications can be submitted before and will be assessed soon after they are received.
Download our information sheet.

The overall aim of NEOH is to enable appropriate evaluations of One Health activities and hence comparison of initiatives as well as informed decision-making and resource allocation.

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are aimed at supporting individual mobility and at strengthening the existing networks and fostering collaborations by allowing scientists to visit an institution in another participating COST country or an approved NNC or IPC institution.

STSMs in NEOH should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives of the COST Action, whilst at the same time allowing those partaking in the missions to learn new techniques, gain access to specific data, instruments and / or methods not available in their own institutions / organisations, in particular of relevance for developing and performing evaluations of One Health activities.

Highest priority should be given to encouragement of early-stage career investigators (ECIs) participation in the COST Action activities. An applicant can be considered as being an ECI when the time that has elapsed between the award date of the applicants PhD and the date of the applicants first involvement in the NEOH COST Action does not exceed 8 years (or researchers late in their PhD). Inclusiveness Target Countries will be given high priority.

This 11th STSM call aims to attract applications from researchers wishing to contribute to the tasks of Working Groups 1, 2 or 3, i.e. to contribute to refining, reviewing, revising or expanding the handbook for evaluation on One Health , apply and critique the index and/or protocols (metrics) from the handbook, and/or to perform comparative studies (‘meta-research’) in WG3.

In total, at least 4 STSMs are available in this period to assist the working groups in their progress.

For more information on the work in WG1, please contact Simon Rüegg ( For more information on the work in WG2, please contact Sara Savic ( For more information on the work in WG3, please contact Vladimir Grosbois ( For more general information on STSMs, please contact Semra Čavaljuga (

The applications will be assessed by the STSM Committee members within 10 days since application is submitted via eCOST, decision forwarded to Grant holder automatically who sends Grant notification letter to the applicant.

For more details regarding the regulations related to STSM, please refer to the COST Vademecum (