Network for Evaluation of One Health

Working Group 1


WG Leader: Prof Jakob Zinsstag (Switzerland)

WG Vice-Leader: Dr Simon Ruegg (Switzerland)

To make best use of disciplinary and interdisciplinary expertise in the NEOH, WG1 included Participants who are specialists in their respective fields.

WG1 worked on a standardised and widely accepted framework, index and protocol for systematic evaluation of One Health, taking into account various disciplinary perspectives and resulting complexity. This included identification and description of the health, economic, environmental, social and cultural impacts of One Health, compilation and comparison of metrics and methods available to measure these impacts based on a literature review (including technical and data requirements, and presentation of examples), mapping of pathways to impact and categorisation and prioritisation of One Health challenges.

WG1 members formulated a draft handbook for circulation in the consortium.

The index includes inputs (investments/resources) to human, animal, environmental and public health and combinations of key outputs from the relevant fields and focus on measurable and comparable metrics (e.g. life expectancy, disability-adjusted life years, productivity, animal welfare, anthropometric measures, income).