Network for Evaluation of One Health

People’s Food – People’s Health, Towards healthy and sustainable European Food systems

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Date: 22-23 November 2018

Location: Vienna, Austria

Organiser: Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health

and Consumer Protection during the Austrian EU presidency




The European Food System is challenged in several ways: Healthy lifestyles are gaining importance in Western societies. At the same time the prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases, often influenced by nutrition, is rising. 60 million people in Europe alone suffer from diabetes and 55% of the adult population in Europe is overweight or obese. This indicates the urgency to find new solutions to benefit people, societies and the wider economy.

This requires an Open Innovation approach in the Food System: How can we collaborate across boundaries in order to create co-benefits for all stakeholders? To tackle this challenge, the Austrian Ministry Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection initiates a high-level crosssectoral and cross-disciplinary EU-Conference with stakeholders of the entire Food System.

Target audience: Representatives from different sectors from each Member State and important stakeholders representing the four main domains (economy, civil society, health and environment) of the Food System.

Participants will be joined by a variety of change-makers and innovators from across the EU

Member States with experience in boundary spanning projects within the area of People’s food – People’s Health.

The conference should be one milestone on the way to transitioning towards healthier and more sustainable European Food Systems.

The aim of our interdisciplinary, multilevel and highly interactive European conference is to:

facilitate an active dialogue between all relevant stakeholders in the EU Member States

share best practice examples from the EU Member States demonstrating how crosscollaboration can work

find novel ways to innovate, foster healthy nutrition and solve our public health challenge through the proposition of concrete actions.

Your attendance is of the highest importance for the successful realisation of our aim to collectively create a healthier Europe. If you are interested in participation or if you need further information please contact