Network for Evaluation of One Health

One Health for the Real World

One Health for the Real World: zoonoses, ecosystems and wellbeing

Abstract deadline:  Friday 12 February 2016

Date(s):  17-18 March 2016

Location: London, United Kingdom

Summary:  Ecosystems provide services that maintain and improve human wellbeing, such as food provisioning and disease regulation. However, they can also generate ‘disservices’, such as reservoirs for new, ‘emerging’ infectious disease from wildlife. Healthy ecosystems and healthy people go together.Yet the precise relationships between these remain poorly understood. Understanding the interactions between ecosystem change, disease regulation and human wellbeing is an interdisciplinary challenge which the scientific community is only beginning to address.

The Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium, in partnership with the Zoological Society of London and the Royal Society, are bringing together leading experts from different fields to:

  • Present new interdisciplinary frameworks for a real-world One Health approach.
  • Highlight research evidence from field-based settings in Africa and beyond.
  • Debate implications for policy and practice.

Further details can be found on the meeting website: