Network for Evaluation of One Health

Organisation of NEOH

The main decision-making body was the Management Committee (MC) which was composed of up to two representatives of each COST Country which had signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the Network. MC Members were nominated by the COST National Coordinators of the COST Countries. The MC coordinated the NEOH structure, defined its strategy and the organisation of networking activities, dealt with budget relevant questions, agreed on invitations of additional participants and reported to COST. The main Action activities were organised into four Working Groups (WG), each comprised of a mix of expert members from the social and natural sciences across the sectors involved.


Organisation Chart NEOH

The network was supported by the following bodies:

  • Short Term Scientific Mission Committee (STSMC): Responsible for assessing and approving Short-Term Scientific Missions.
  • Editorial Board (EB): In charge of coordinating publications (e.g. book of abstracts, proceedings, articles) and preparing the Final Action Publication.
  • Webmaster (WM): responsible for setting up and maintaining the Action website.

The Core Group prepared the decisions for the MC and was composed of the Action Chair, Vice-Chair, all WG leaders, the STSM leader and the EB leader.

The network members closely collaborated with the scientific and administrative COST officers:

The Grant Holder of the project was the Royal Veterinary College, London, UK, which administered the Grant by overseeing the financial and administrative management and the various coordination tasks required to successfully support the implementation of approved NEOH activities.