How to join the new NEOH:
The COST funded project that supported the initiation of NEOH is now over. However, NEOH will continue to operate as the Network for EcoHealth and One Health.
The NEOH project has been a resounding success in many ways, one being the development of new and strong working relationships between many of the people involved in One Health in Europe. Many NEOH members expressed the desire to continue to grow these relationships in some formal and sustainable way.
In December 2018 a small group of NEOH members formed a working group to develop some of the background work for a new network. The group discussed options for the new network and conducted an informal survey of One Health practitioners and researchers worldwide to identify needs in the One Health. The results of this survey were used to develop a questionnaire to capture NEOH member opinions about gaps in One Health and to identify future activities for the new network.
The working group presented a report to guide the formation of the new network during the final NEOH conference in Bologna, Italy on Sept 10-12, 2018. At this meeting, the NEOH membership further supported the formation of a new network.
The membership decided to broaden the scope of NEOH beyond One Health to embrace both Ecosystem Health (Ecohealth) and One Health. In accordance with this decision, the membership changed the name of the network to the Network for Ecohealth and One Health. The acronym for the network will remain as NEOH.
In order to build a strong collaborative relationship between the One Health and Ecohealth communities, NEOH will become the European Chapter of the Ecohealth-International Trust. Having a single network that unites the Ecohealth and One Health communities in Europe should foster the emergence of creative ideas, approaches and solutions that exceed the potential of either community alone.
The NEOH membership adopted a new vision for the network to guide us into the future:
We envision a world where people, animals and the environment are recognized as being interconnected; and transdisciplinary, systems thinking methods, and integrated approaches are universally practiced for understanding, maintaining and improving the health of all.
On Dec 13, 2018, a group of NEOH network members met and officially established the new network. Currently the NEOH membership is focusing on defining the governance structure for the network, and is exploring future activities for the network.
We are still in the early, formative stages of the network, but we are very excited about the future. We are certain that this new network, based on collaborative inputs from the One Health and Ecohealth communities will create new, better and more successful ways to understand, sustain and enhance the health of people, animals (and other species), ecosystems and the environment. We encourage anyone who has a desire to make a difference in Ecohealth and One Health to join us in this effort!
You must first register as a member of Ecohealth International via their website. Click on the membership tab, and fill in the form for individual membership.
We will then contact you with more information about the new organisation.