Network for Evaluation of One Health

Resources and Links


Cost Rules and Guidelines:

Evaluating One Health and other integrated approaches to health

This brochure has been put together with the aim of promoting the dissemination and uptake of the NEOH outputs and to encourage people to engage with One Health and the evaluation protocols made available. The brochure presents the Network including contact details, a summary of Action activities, key messages of the evaluation handbook, information on the new Network for Ecohealth and One Health, and the NEOH declaration on One Health and Ecohealth to promote effective, dynamic, interdisciplinary collaboration that allows engagement of everybody who wishes to make a contribution.

The brochure is available in English, French and Spanish.

Integrated approaches to health

A handbook for the evaluation of One Health

Edited by: Simon R. Rüegg, Barbara Häsler and Jakob Zinsstag

This handbook is the product of an interdisciplinary effort by NEOH to provide science-based guidance for the evaluation of One Health and other integrated approaches to health. It guides the reader through a systems approach and framework to evaluate such approaches in a standardised way. It provides an overview of concepts and metrics from health and life sciences, social sciences, economics, and ecology that are relevant for the evaluation of the processes involved, as well as the characterisation of expected and unexpected outcomes of One Health initiatives. Finally, the handbook provides guidance and practical protocols to help plan and implement evaluations in order to generate new insights and provide meaningful information about the value of One Health. The handbook is intended for practitioners, researchers, evaluators as well as funders of integrated approaches to health and beyond. Download it for free here

Special NEOH Edition of Frontiers (Online Open Science Publishing Platform):
Research Topic: Concepts and experiences in framing, integration and evaluation of One Health and EcoHealth

In this Research Topic we seek to reflect the current debate on framing One Health and/or EcoHealth in terms of scope(s) and delimitations, integration challenges from a scientific, policy, sector and/or implementer perspective, and evaluation of such integrated initiatives.

NEOH Factsheet

NEOH Brochure

NEOH Consortium Updates

NEOH Updates Dec 2018

NEOH Updates Dec 2017

NEOH Updates Aug 2015

NEOH Updates Nov 2015

NEOH Updates Mar 2016

NEOH Updates Aug 2016

NEOH Updates Dec 2016

NEOH Updates May 2017

Associated One Health initiatives

The national, international and global One Health initiatives and consortia described here are directly or indirectly associated with NEOH and form part of the global One Health immunity.

FVE logo  Federation of Veterinarians of Europe

Logo transparent   iconz

onehealthinitiative          logo_eurnegvec


coheartCentre for one Health Education, Advocacy, Research and Training, Kerala, Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, India


Southern African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance


University of Copenhagen Research Centre for Control of Antimicrobial Resistance

ISDS logo  International Society for Disease Surveillance

secids logos

Ecohealth Alliance Logo